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投訴 樂古記者 血映雪

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發表於 16-1-2013 21:08:03 | 顯示全部樓層 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
本帖最後由 rudekiller 於 17-1-2013 00:12 編輯

  • 投訴人:Rudekiller
  • 投訴對象:樂古記者 血映雪
  • 有關版塊:[size=1em]有關於CSO消費總額之數據統計 (單位為$HKD)
  • 有關連結: http://www.nakuz.com/bbs/viewthread.php?from=notice&tid=4413703
  • 投訴內容: 10 score had been deducted from me due to off topic (see 49#), wherein two major concerns were arisen. First, it is totally out of the scope of management of 血映雪 who was not authorized to carry out such prosecution. Second, off topic is expressly provided in section 16 of the CSO board regulations, only 5 score can be deducted with regard to that kind of mistake.     Remarks:(十六)偏離討論內容 : 禁止任何與主題及後續回覆 無關之回覆,違者扣除5 樂點處理。
  • 其他意見:This forum is one of the worse one that I have ever come across, whereby the separation of powers is so dull and I cannot see any regulation to govern the behavior among those administrators therein. Perhaps, it would be so a long way to make improvements within this forum.

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 樓主| 發表於 17-1-2013 01:23:29 | 顯示全部樓層
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