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[綜合討論] 三國鼎立真係唔錯!!有冇玩既都入黎睇下啦!

發表於 30-4-2008 22:57:02 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 gtakiller2008 於 30-4-2008 07:21 發表
呢兩日剛剛試玩呢隻game, 覺得真係唔錯。初初見到d game 圖, 以為好悶, 點知玩落真係有d驚喜。成隻game好似玩緊三國志+三國英傑傳既online 版咁。一次過組5個人, 同時行棋既感覺, 真係好大爽, 第一次玩呢類game可以咁 ...

Well, i agree with you....I 've that feeling too.
Sorry I can't type chinese.....(In Library)
I will play with you!!!
I have a character LV 13 in Wu Force(Server 2)Just started yesterday (for few hours, need to know about the function)
If you want to play in Server 1 I will change it.
If you play on the same server tell Just tell me which country you gonna played and tell me in Chinese
I will switch it, it doesn't really matter.
Hope we can be friends and have a guild
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