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Achievement Diary guide

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各個不同的 Achievement Diary 都有不同獎賞給會員, 以下超連結幫助各位會員解開內裡秘密

Karajma Achievement Dairy (pay to play member - P2P)

Varrock Achievement Dairy - Part 1     (pay to play member - P2P)

Varrock Achievement Dairy - Part 2     (pay to play member - P2P)

Lumby Achievement Dairy    (Free to play member and pay to play member - F2P & P2P)

[ 本帖最後由 cool_snow 於 16-9-2008 18:08 編輯 ]

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 樓主| 發表於 16-9-2008 17:46:04 | 只看該作者

Karajma Achievement Diary

Karajma Achievement Diary

1. 帶定 5k-10k coins 坐船及買物品

2. 最好在每一個地方睇下有冇其他既 task 要做既野在你所在既地方附近, 如果有可以一次做埋唔需要回頭做, 節省時間

3. 當要入 Brimhaven dungeon 或者入 Brimhaven agility arena 都要錢進入, 而 dungeon 仲要帶備定 wood axe

4. 當要入Kharazi Jungle 既時候要帶 wood axe and machete

Easy Tasks

去火山洞外東面摘 5隻香蕉
Pick 5 bananas from the plantation located east of the volcano

去 Karamja 既西北面個小島用繩索橫過 Moss giant 到, 需要有 agility 10 lvl
Use the rope swing to travel to the small island north-west of Karamja, where the Moss Giants are: Level 10 Agility

在 Karamja 西北面既半島採礦一些黃金, 需要有 mining 40 lvl
Mine some gold from the rocks on the north-west peninsula of Karamja: Level 40 Mining

要在東面 Musa 坐船到 Por Sarim
Travel to Port Sarim via the dock, east of Musa Point

要用 Brimhaven 坐船到 Ardougne
Travel to Ardougne via the port near Brimhaven

由 Cairn island 去到 Karamja西面, 需要有 agility 15 lvl
Explore Cairn Island to the west of Karamja: Level 15 Agility

在東面香蕉林既釣魚區釣魚 (任何類型)
Use the Fishing spots north of the banana plantation

在 Karamja 任何地方收集 5 塊海草 seaweed
Collect 5 seaweed from anywhere on Karamja

進入 Tzharr fight pits or fight cave
Attempt the TzHaar Fight Pits or Fight Cave

去 Pothole 山洞殺 Jogre
Kill a Jogre in the Pothole dungeon

Jungle gloves When worn:
Shops all around Karamja (including traders in the TzHaar city) offer better buy/sell prices
Half-price boat trips to and from Brimhaven and Musa Point docks

Medium Tasks

係 Brimhaven agility arena 取一張 agility 票(飛仔), 必需要有 40 agility
Claim a ticket from the Agility arena in Brimhaven: Level 40 Agility recommended

在火山洞內經過一個隱形石門, 需要完成 Dragon Slayer
Discover hidden wall in the dungeon below the volcano, Dragon Slayer

要在火山洞走過 Isle of Crandor, 需要完成 Dragon Slayer
Visit the Isle of Crandor via the dungeon below the volcano, Dragon Slayer

要用 Hajedy 同 Vigroy 既人力車, 需要完成 Shilo village
Use Vigroy and Hajedy's cart service, Shilo Village

要在 Tai Bwo Wannai 村內完成 100% 親民指數, 需要完成 Jungle Potion 及帶備鐮刀machete及有 woodcutting 10 lvl
Earn 100% favour in the village of Tai Bwo Wannai, Jungle Potion Level 10 Woodcutting

要將 spider 有竹籤串起煮熟, 需要有cooking 16 lvl
Cook a spider on a stick, Level 16 Cooking

要用 Cairn Isle 坐船去到 Port Khazard 找一個 Lady, 需要完成 Shilo Village
Charter the Lady of the Waves from Cairn Isle to Port Khazard, Shilo Village

要在 Jungle 內劈 teak tree 取出一塊木材, 需要 woodcutting 35 lvl
Cut a log from a teak tree, Level 35 Woodcutting

要在 Jungle 內劈 mahogany tree 取出一塊木材, 需要 woodcutting 50 lvl
Cut a log from a mahogany tree, Level 50 Woodcutting

要在 Tai Bwo Wannai Trio 捉 Karambwan, 帶定 karambwan vessel 同埋要 karambwanji 需要有 fishing 65 lvl
Catch a karambwan, Tai Bwo Wannai Trio: Level 65 Fishing

去Tai Bwo Wannai 找 Safta Doc 同佢換一把鐮刀, 需要完成 Jungle Potion
Exchange gems for a machete, Jungle Potion

用滑翔機飛去 Karamja, 需要完成 The Grand Tree
Use the gnome glider to travel to Karamja, The Grand Tree

要在 Brimhaven 既果樹田種一棵果樹, 要完全健康成長, 需要 farming 27 lvl
Grow a healthy fruit tree in the patch near Brimhaven, Level 27 Farming

用陷阱捉一隻 graahk, 需要 hunter 41 lvl
Trap a horned graahk, Level 41 Hunter

要在 Brimhaven Dungeon 劈開草藤, 需要有 woodcutting 10 lvl
Chop the vines to gain deeper access to Brimhaven Dungeon, Level 10 Woodcutting

要在 Brimhaven Dungeon 內跳過熔岩上去石塊, 需要 agility 12 lvl
Cross the lava using the stepping stones within Brimhaven Dungeon, Level 12 Agility

在 Brimhaven Dungeon 內行上一層
Climb the stairs within Brimhaven Dungeon

由第二個遠既碼頭坐船到 Karamja 最東面既船塢, 需要完成 The Grand Tree and Monkey Madness
Charter a ship from the Shipyard in the far east of Karamja, The Grand Tree & Monkey Madness

由一舊寶石磺採出一粒紅晶石, 需要完成 Shilo Village 及要有 mining 40 lvl
Mine a red topaz from a gem rock, Shilo Village: Level 40 Mining

Upgraded jungle gloves In addition to the easy tasks' reward, when worn:
Increased Agility experience from the Brimhaven Agility Arena

Hard Tasks

你要在 Fight Pits 內成為優勝者, 需要有高戰鬥能力
Become the Champion of the Fight Pits, High combat level recommended

要成功在 Fight Caves 內殺死 lvl 360 Ket-Zek, 需要有高戰鬥能力
Successfully kill a Ket-Zek in the Fight Caves, High combat level

要食香葉包雞, 首先在Kharazi Jungle 殺死 Oomlie, 再用棷樹葉(palm leave) 包住 Oomlie 煮熟即可 (在那裡找棷樹葉, 將會提及給大家知)
Eat an oomlie wrap

做 nature runes, 需要有 runecrafting 44 lvl
Craft some nature runes, Level 44 Runecrafting

煮熟 karambwan, 需要完成 Tai Bwo Wannai Trio 及要有 cooking 30 lvl
Cook a karambwan thoroughly, Tai Bwo Wannai Trio: Level 30 Cooking

要在Kharazi Jungle 既山洞殺死一隻 deathwing, 需要完成 Legends’ Quest, 要帶備定 lockpick and pickaxe 及要有 woodcutting 15 lvl, agility 50 lvl, str 50 lvl, thieving 50 lvl and mining 52 lvl
Kill a deathwing in the dungeon under the Kharazi Jungle, Legends' Quest
Level 15 Woodcutting, Level 50 Agility, Level 50 Strength, Level 50 Thieving &
Level 52 Mining

要帶備 crossbow and mith grapple 用一個 agility捷徑經過火山, 需要有 agility 53 lvl, ranged 42 lvl and str 21 lvl
Use the crossbow shortcut south of the volcano, Level 53 Agility, Level 42 Ranged &
Level 21 Strength

到Kharazi Jungle 既西南面找一棵 palm tree, 取出 5 片 棷葉, 需要完成 Legends’ Quest 及 woodcutting 15 lvl
Collect 5 palm leaves, Legends' Quest: Level 15 Woodcutting

要在 Shilo Village 同 Duradel 拎一個 slayer 任務, 需要有 combat 100 lvl and slayer 50 lvl
Be assigned a Slayer task by Duradel in Shilo Village, Shilo Village: Level 100 combat & Level 50 Slayer

在 Brimhaven Dungeon 內殺一隻金屬龍(metal dragon) (bronze青銅, iron鐵, steel鋼鐵), 需要有高戰鬥力及 agility 12 lvl and woodcutting 34 lvl
Kill a metal dragon in Brimhaven Dungeon, Very high combat level recommended:
Level 12 Agility & Level 34 Woodcutting

Upgraded jungle gloves In addition to the easy and medium tasks' reward, when worn:
Access to a gem mine beneath Shilo Village
"Operate" the gloves to teleport to the new gem mine
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 樓主| 發表於 16-9-2008 17:51:42 | 只看該作者
Varrock Achievement Dairy

Easy Tasks

Have Thessalia show you what outfits you can wear
去到 varrock clothes shop 找 Thessalia 比佢睇你著咩衫, 再去比錢轉裝

Have Aubury teleport you to the essence mine        Rune Mysteries
你要去 Aubury teleport mine essence 既地方        (要完成 Rune mysteries quest)

Mine some iron ore in the Mining spot, south-east of Varrock        Level 15 Mining
去到 varrock 東南面既採礦場採 iron ores (需要有 lvl 15 mining)

Make a plank at the sawmill
到 varrock 東北面將木頭做成木板 (需要帶定錢)        

Enter the second level of the Stronghold of Security
需要去到 Barbarian Stronghold of Security 既第二層 (若果 combat lvl 低既玩家需要著上 armour and weapon)

Jump over the fence, south of Varrock        Level 13 Agility
要跳過在 varrock 南面既小圍欄 (需要有 lvl 13 agility)

Chop down a dying tree in the Lumber Yard
在 Lumber yard 內劈一棵枯死既樹

Buy a copy of the Varrock Herald
在 varrock 城中既報紙攤買一份報紙 (需要帶備少量金錢)

Give a stray dog a bone
比一舊骨頭給一隻流浪狗 (流浪狗在 varrock 東面銀行外)

Make a bowl on the pottery wheel then fire it in the pottery oven, all in the Barbarian Village        Level 8 Crafting
要在 Barbarian village 既小屋內做一個碗 (需要 lvl 8 crafting, 而且要用 soft clay, 在 pottery wheel 做成 unfire bowl 再放入燒爐內燒至完成)

Enter Edgeville Dungeon using the entrance to the south of Edgeville
需要由 edgeville 既南面, 經過 edgevillage 地洞

Move your player-owned house portal to a different location using the Varrock estate agent's        Level 10 Construction
將你所持有既屋在現址, 轉移在別的地方, 不過需要在 v arrock 既物業代理商辦理 (需要帶定金錢, 要有 lvl 10 construction)        

Speak to Haig Halen after obtaining at least 50 kudos
要有 50 kudos 在找 Haig Halen 告訴他你已取得該數目 kudos (
The Varrock Museum ←此為參考 link)

Enter the Earth Altar using an earth tiara or talisman
進入 earth Altar 可用 earth tiara 或者 talisman

Have Elsie tell you a story
到 varrock church 2nd floor 找 Elsie 講故事你知

Mine some limestone near Paterdomus, the temple to the east of Varrock        Level 10 Mining
到 varrock 既東面 Paterdomus 採些 limestone (需要有 lvl 10 mining)

Catch a trout in the river to the east of Barbarian Village        Level 20 Fishing
往 Barbarian village 釣 trout (需要有 lvl 20 fishing)

Venture through the cobwebbed corridor in Varrock Sewers
要由 varrock污水管經過有佈滿蜘蛛網的長廊 (要帶備小刀或者 weapon 用來切斷蜘蛛網)

Find the highest point in Varrock
找出 varrock 城堡中既最高地方 (在 varrock castle 南面既房子一直往上行就是)

Varrock armour When worn:

Chance of smelting two bars at once when smelting ores up to (and including) steel in Edgeville
Chance of Mining two ores at once when Mining ores up to (and including) coal
Better prices when buying and selling in Varrock area
Experience lamp - 1,000 experience in the skill of your choice

Medium Tasks

Have the Apothecary in Varrock make you a Strength potion
去到 varrock 既藥劑師房內要求佢幫你做一支 strength potion (需要帶定 red spider egg, limpurt 同埋金錢)

Enter the Champions' Guild        32 Quest Points
進入 Champions guild (需要有 32 Quest points)

Take the Dagon-Hai shortcut to the chaos portal        What Lies Below quest
用 Dagon-Hai (在 varrock 東北面) 捷徑前往 Chaos portal (需要完成 What lies below quest 同帶定 chaos tiara or chaos talisman)

Get a full complement of rats on your rat pole        Rat Catchers quest
要拎到足夠數量既老鼠入老鼠杆內 (需要完成 Rat catchers quest)

Escape from the spider lair in Varrock Sewers with some red spider eggs
逃跑到 Varrock污水管既 red spider 秘密地方, 該處有 red spider eggs

Use the spirit tree north of Varrock                Tree Gnome Village quest
用 varrock 北面既精靈樹前往任何地方 (需要完成 Tree gnome village quest)

Perform the four emotes from the Stronghold of Security        Complete the Stronghold of Security
在 Stronghold of security 內做出 4 種不同既 stronghold security 既動作 (必須完成 stronghold of security 才能學習 4種不同動作)

Select a colour for a new kitten        Gertrude's Cat and Garden of Tranquillity
需要選擇一種色既小貓 (需要完成Gertrude's Cat and Garden of Tranquillity, 及帶上你既 ring of chaos)

Use the shortcut under the west wall of Varrock Palace                Level 21 Agility
在 varrock皇宮既西面城場用捷徑穿過 (要有 lvl 21 agility)

Enter the A Soul's Bane rift        A Soul's Bane quest
進入 A soul’s bane裂縫入口 (完成 A soul’s bane quest)

Teleport to the Digsite using a digsite pendant        Learn to make a digsite pendant at the Varrock Museum        Level 49 Magic
用魔法既 digsite pendant 飛到 Digsite (要在 varrock museum 學習點製造 digsite pendant, 需要有 lvl 49 magic enhanted your ruby necklace)

Craft an earth tiara on the Earth Altar
在 earth altar製作一個 earth tiara (需要有 earth tailsman and tiara)

Pickpocket a guard in the Varrock Palace courtyard        Level 40 Thieving
在 varrock 皇宮內偷取衛兵身上物品 (要有 lvl 40 thieving)

Use the Teleport to Varrock spell        Level 25 Magic
用魔法飛到 varrock (需要有 lvl 25 magic)

Get a Slayer task from Vannaka        Level 40 combat
到 edgevillage underground 既地洞同 Vannaka 取一個 slayer 任務 (要有 lvl 40 combat)

Buy twenty mahogany planks from the Sawmill Operator in one transaction
在 varrock鋸木技工到一次過買 20 塊 machogany planks (需要帶定 20 machogany logs 同埋帶定足夠金錢)

Pick a fruit from the White Tree        Garden of Tranquillity quest
在 varrock 皇宮內既花園採摘白樹果實 (需要完成Garden of Tranquillity quest)

Use the hot air balloon to travel from Varrock to somewhere else                Enlightened Journey quest
用 varrock 既熱氣球去到其他地方 (需要完成Enlightened Journey quest 同埋解開怎樣可以用 varrock 熱氣球 spot,
請按此 link)

Get a cat training medal from Gertrude                Gertrude's Cat quest
要拎到訓練貓既紀念章 (需要完成Gertrude's Cat quest, 及捉夠 100 隻老鼠)

Dial to the fairy ring west of Varrock        A Fairy Tale Part II - Cure a Queen quest
用 varrock 既西面 fairy ring (需要完成A Fairy Tale Part II - Cure a Queen quest)

Browse through Oziach's Armour Shop  Dragon Slayer quest
瀏覽Oziach's Armour Shop (需要完成 Dragon slayer quest)

Upgraded Varrock armour In addition to the easy tasks' reward, when worn:

Chance of smelting two bars at once when smelting ores up to (and including) mithril in Edgeville
Chance of Mining two ores at once when Mining ores up to (and including) mithril
Chance of Smithing at a slightly faster rate
Experience lamp - 5,000 experience in the skill of your choice

*Hard task 部份在下一頁, 如有錯漏敬請原諒*

[ 本帖最後由 cool_snow 於 16-9-2008 17:54 編輯 ]
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 樓主| 發表於 16-9-2008 17:53:15 | 只看該作者
Varrock Achievement Dairy (continue)

Hard Tasks

Pick poison ivy from your bush Farming patch in Varrock Level 70 Farming
在 varrock 既東南面你自己既小灌木田內採摘 poison ivy berries (需要有 lvl 70 farming or lvl 67 farming 食 garden pie 短暫將
farming lvl +3,  便可種下 poision ivy seeds)

Use the pipe shortcut in Varrock Sewers, near the moss giants Level 51 Agility
用 varrock 污水管內既輸送管捷徑前往 moss giant (需要有 lvl 51 agility)

Trade furs with the Fancy Dress Seller for a spottier cape
到 varrock Fancy dress seller 將一些毛皮造成 spottier cape (要有 dashing kebbit furs 及帶備金錢)

Smith an adamantite medium helm on the south-east anvil in Varrock, next to Aubury's Rune Shop Level 73 Smithing
用 varrock 東南面既鐵砧造一個 addy med helm 近 Aubury’s rune shop (要有 lvl 73 smithing 或者有 lvl 72 smithing
飲 dwarven stout 短暫 +1 lvl smithing, 若果你完成 forgettable tale of a drunken dwarf quest 可以得到2 杯
dwarven stout mature 可以短暫 +2 lvl smithing)

Speak to Orlando Smith when you have achieved 153 kudos Demon Slayer, The Dig Site, The Grand Tree, Hazeel Cult,
In Aid of the Myreque, Making History, Merlin's Crystal, Observatory Quest, Priest in Peril, Rune Mysteries, Shield of Arrav,
A Tail of Two Cats, Temple of Ikov, What Lies Below quests
要有 153 kudos 同 Orlando Smith 講你已取得足夠分數 (需要完成Demon Slayer, The Dig Site, The Grand Tree, Hazeel Cult,
In Aid of the Myreque, Making History, Merlin's Crystal, Observatory Quest, Priest in Peril, Rune Mysteries, Shield of Arrav,
A Tail of Two Cats, Temple of Ikov, What Lies Below quests)

Talk to Romily Weaklax and give him a wild pie  Level 32 Cooking
到 cooking guide 拎 Romily Weaklax 比一個 wild pie 佢 (需要 lvl 32 cooking, 做 wild pie 材料: pie dish, 麵粉, 水, raw beer meat,
raw chompy bird meat, raw rabbit meat, 首先將麵粉同水混合做成餅底放在 pie dish 上, 再將其他 raw meats 加入, 然後放入爐內煮熟即可)

Craft an air battlestaff Level 66 Crafting
做一支 air battlestaff (需要 lvl 66 crafting, 做法: 1 個 moltern glass, glassblowing pipe, 1 支 battlestaff [可在 varrock staff 商店買到],
用 glassblowing pipe 吹一個glass orb, 之後到 edgevillage underground black demon 既北面樓梯往上行, 便到達 enhanted air orb 既地方, 帶備 3 cosmics runes 同 30 air runes 或者 air staff 將魔法加入在 orb 內, 然後將 air orb 加上在 battlestaff 上完成)

Give your player-owned house a fancy stone or tropical wood finish at the Varrock estate agent's Level 40 Construction
去到 varrock 地產代理商將你既屋牆身轉為 fancy stone 或者 tropical wood (需要有 lvl 40 construction, 帶備足夠金錢代用)

Make a Varrock teleport tablet on a mahogany lectern  Level 25 Magic
在玩家既屋內的 machogany lectern 做一個 varrock teleport tablet (需要有 lvl 25 magic, 3若果自己屋內沒有 machogany lectern
或以上既 lectern 可以到別人屋內做一個)

Obtain a new set of Family Crest gauntlets from Dimintheis  Family Crest quest
到 Family crest gauntlets 找 Dimintheis 拎一對新既手套 (需要完成 family crest quest)

Make a waka canoe near Edgeville  Level 57 Woodcutting
在 edgevillage 既東面小河做一隻印第安獨木舟 (需要有 lvl 57 woodcutting, 帶備 wood axe)

Use the Home Teleport spell in the Ancient Magicks spellbook to teleport to Edgeville Desert Treasure quest
要用 Ancient Magicks 既 home teleport 飛到 edgeville (需要完成 desert treasure quest)

Use the skull sceptre to teleport to Barbarian Village
用骨骨權杖飛到 barbarian village

Upgraded Varrock armour In addition to the easy and medium tasks' reward, when worn:

Chance of smelting two bars at once when smelting ores up to (and including) adamantite in Edgeville
Chance of Mining two ores at once when Mining ores up to (and including) adamantite
Access to bank area in the Cooks' Guild
Armour can be used to access the Cooks' Guild in place of chef's hat
Experience lamp - 10,000 experience in the skill of your choice

##希望此 guild 幫到大家完成這個 achievement dairy##

[ 本帖最後由 cool_snow 於 16-9-2008 17:55 編輯 ]
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